Public Function modify_expense_log(ByVal expense_log_objid As Long, _
ByVal creation_time As String, _
ByVal perf_by As String, _
ByVal notes As String, _
ByVal user_name As String, _
ByVal expense_type As String, _
ByVal quantity As Double, _
ByVal the_rate As Double, _
ByVal billable As Long, _
ByVal bill_to As String, _
ByVal resolution As String) As Integer
This API modifies an existing expense log record in the Clarify database. You must pass in a valid expense log objid (which is returned by the create_expsense_log API). You can specify the a variety of data items for the expense, including who performed the expense, notes, and a quantity and rate for the expense. If you do not specify a value for one of the arguments, the value in the existing record is not updated.
Parameter Name Required? Description
expense_log_objid Yes The OBJID of the expense log to modify
creation_time No When is the log modified? If left blank, it will be modified at the current
time. Used for time_bomb creation.
perf_by No The user who modified the time log. If left blank, the current user
performs the modify
notes No The updated notes for the onsite log
user_name No The user who is recording the modification of the expense log. If left blank, the
current user records the modify
expense_type No Value from the EXPENSE_TYPE code list
quantity Yes Quantity for the expense log
the_rate Yes Rate for the expense log
billable No Indicates if this expense is billable
bill_to No Indicates who this expense log will be billed to, from the BILL_TO_EXPENSE
list in Policies and Customers
resolution No Value from the RESOLUTION_CODE list
Value Meaning
0 No errors
-1 Could not find specified EXPENSE_TYPE
-2 Could not find specified BILL_TO_TIME
-3 Cannot find specified user in database
-4 Cannot find employee record for specified user in database
-5 Cannot find performing user in database
-6 Could not find case or subcase for expense log record
-7 Could not find specified WORK_CENTER
-8 Could not find specified RESOLUTION_CODE
-9 Could not find the specified expense log record
-10 Cannot find employee record for performing user in database
-11 Cannot find the 'T & E Log' activity string with rank = 8700
· Update an existing expense log (268435600). Log is created at the current time, is performed by "joe", and is logged by "fred". Add some notes, and set the quantity to 6 and the rate to 3.45. Use the default expense type. Make it not billable, and don't set the bill_to string. Use the default resolution code.
Visual Basic:
Dim ret_int As Integer
ret_int = fcfo.modify_expense_log(268435600, "joe", "Some notes here", "fred", _
"", 6, 3.45, 0, "", "")
var ret_int = fcfo.modify_expense_log(268435600, "joe", "Some notes here", "fred",
"", 6, 3.45, 0, "", "");